Tactile Perception Study | Bli försöksperson och hjälp vetenskapen | Accindi.se

Område: Stockholm

Tactile Perception Study

Denna studie är avslutad och tar ej emot flera anmälningar
Av Konstantina Kilteni Skapad: 2024-05-13

We are looking for participants !!

In this study, we are Investigating perception of touch on the hands (non-painful).

During the experiment, you will receive two weak forces on your left index finger. We will then ask you to tell us which one feels stronger. The experiment has two sessions each lasting 90 minutes.

The experiment will take place at Karolinska Institutet in Solna (Biomedicum building).

You can choose to receive 450 SEK (225 SEK per session, taxable) or 4 cinema tickets (two tickets per session) for participation in the experiment. In order to receive the money you need a personal number with a Swedish bank account. For the cinema tickets, no personal number is needed!

To be participate you must…
- Be 18-40 years old
- Have no current or history of psychological or neurological conditions
- Not be taking any psychoactive drugs or medication
- Understand basic English
- Have not participated in our other touch experiments (ask us if you’re not sure).

Thank you in advance !

We are looking for participants !!

In this study, we are Investigating perception of touch on the hands (non-painful).

During the experiment, you will receive two weak forces on your left index finger. We will then ask you to tell us which one feels stronger. The experiment has two sessions each lasting 90 minutes.

The experiment will take place at Karolinska Institutet in Solna (Biomedicum building).

You can choose to receive 450 SEK (225 SEK per session, taxable) or 4 cinema tickets (two tickets per session) for participation in the experiment. In order to receive the money you need a personal number with a Swedish bank account. For the cinema tickets, no personal number is needed!

To be participate you must…
- Be 18-40 years old
- Have no current or history of psychological or neurological conditions
- Not be taking any psychoactive drugs or medication
- Understand basic English
- Have not participated in our other touch experiments (ask us if you’re not sure).

Thank you in advance !