Seeing is Believing: How Our Attention towards Others Shapes Social Insights
Denna studie är avslutad och tar ej emot flera anmälningar
Av Patricia Christian
Skapad: 2024-05-31
Interested in how we interpret where others draw their attention to? Participate in our study and
help us investigate how attention towards others subtle social cues influences our understanding of
the social world.
This study aims to deepen our understanding of the perceptual mechanisms that influence how we
interpret social cues in various contexts.
Participants will engage in a computer task while their eye movements are tracked for 20 minutes,
followed by a brief questionnaire (3 minutes). The entire experiment is planned for 35 - 45
Inclusion Criteria: Normal or corrected-to-normal vision (glasses/contact lenses are fine), no
neurological or psychiatric disorders
The experiment will take place in our social perception lab at Karolinska Institutet (Campus Solna),
Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Division of Psychology. Enter at Retzius väg 13A (on campus)
and take the stairs one floor up (Level 3), go through the glass door and ring the bell with the
sign "Emotion Lab" on it. If you have troubles finding your way just write us an email and let us
Nearest bus stop is Karolinska sjukhuset Eugeniavägen.
We pay 99 SEK (Gift Card)
Interested in how we interpret where others draw their attention to? Participate in our study and
help us investigate how attention towards others subtle social cues influences our understanding of
the social world.
This study aims to deepen our understanding of the perceptual mechanisms that influence how we
interpret social cues in various contexts.
Participants will engage in a computer task while their eye movements are tracked for 20 minutes,
followed by a brief questionnaire (3 minutes). The entire experiment is planned for 35 - 45
Inclusion Criteria: Normal or corrected-to-normal vision (glasses/contact lenses are fine), no
neurological or psychiatric disorders
The experiment will take place in our social perception lab at Karolinska Institutet (Campus Solna),
Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Division of Psychology. Enter at Retzius väg 13A (on campus)
and take the stairs one floor up (Level 3), go through the glass door and ring the bell with the
sign "Emotion Lab" on it. If you have troubles finding your way just write us an email and let us
Nearest bus stop is Karolinska sjukhuset Eugeniavägen.