We are seeking participants to take part in a study to understand how memories are formed.
Participants will engage with immersive videos through a VR headset, read texts, and answer related
questions. The study consists of two sessions, one week apart. Each session will last 60-90 minutes.
Participants must:
Be fully healthy, with no history of neurological, psychiatric, or neurodevelopmental disorders.
Not be taking any medication that affects cognitive functioning.
Have normal eyesight or wear contact lenses.
Be fluent in English.
Have a Swedish personal number.
Not have previously participated in an experiment involving body illusions.
We are seeking participants to take part in a study to understand how memories are formed.
Participants will engage with immersive videos through a VR headset, read texts, and answer related
questions. The study consists of two sessions, one week apart. Each session will last 60-90 minutes.
Participants must:
Be fully healthy, with no history of neurological, psychiatric, or neurodevelopmental disorders.
Not be taking any medication that affects cognitive functioning.
Have normal eyesight or wear contact lenses.
Be fluent in English.
Have a Swedish personal number.
Not have previously participated in an experiment involving body illusions.